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Monday, December 08, 2008

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go... :)
So this year I got a real tree! I'm just hoping I don't kill it... So far, so good-- it's been 1 whole day! I've gotten a mini tree from Trader Joe's for the past 3 years, and every year I kill it. Just not enough light in my house. This year it didn't even make it until Christmas, I was so sad! I hate killing things! It was so cute too. I shall have to pray for my tree... :)
I visited El Paso, TX last week and you know, it's a very friendly place. They had a Christmas tree set up, and snowflakes hanging from the ceiling in the airport-- my hotel room had Christmas music (which said the word "Christmas" in it) playing in the lobby. The fireplace was lit, and there was a tree with presents underneath by the door. There were books for borrowing on a bookshelf in the lobby, and the people at the counter were concerned about whether or not I had breakfast and told me how to take it on the go.
I rode in the hotel shuttle--which didn't only go to the airport for a change--all around El Paso as the driver took some freight pilots to their hub. I had a lovely time hanging out with the driver and the pilots, chatting about what this world is coming to and how liberal California is! You can't even say "Merry Christmas" in California anymore without "offending someone". But in El Paso, it was all over (even though it was still commercialized). It was just a very friendly place, not impersonal or sterile like most places I go. Despite being a barren industrial wasteland that gets up to the 100's in the summer, I think it is quite lovely. I enjoyed myself completely!
Fun stuff also, I got a little digital recorder for Christmas (early)! It also plays mp3 files, so now I have a music player as well. With this I can make impromptu/demo recordings and upload them onto my computer! So I can burn a CD or put music on the internet if I want. This shall replace my 1980's tape recorder as an awesome quick recording device. The sound quality is pretty amazing too! Yippee! Fun stuff.
Well, I could write more, but lest I lose your attention (if I haven't already), I shall bid you adieu! Merry Christmas! Praise be to God for the gift of His wonderful Son-- for He is the reason for the season! :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yay! Time for "The Holidays"!

With Thanksgiving a week away, it is officially time for "the holidays"! My favorite time of year! The food, friends, family, and cool weather is just wonderful to me. I already have some scented pine cones and my pumpkin pie air freshener out! :D
It's hard to believe it's here already though... Wasn't it just January '08 like... a couple months ago? It's strange how a year can fly by so quicky, and yet, when you stop to think of how much has actually happened in that year, it seems like an eternity has passed. Strange stuff. I wonder what it will be like in heaven for all eternity with no time? ;)
Just some food for thought...!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

A Month Of Updates!

So it's been about a month since I've made an entry. Not a whole lot has happened since then, yet a lot has.
I went up to San Francisco not too long before the Election. It was interesting as I visited the Castro district, apparently the gay capital of the world (or something like that!). There were rainbow flags hanging from every lamp post on the street, and the bank I went to had an enormous rainbow flag hanging prominently on its wall. Funny, I think if there was a giant cross hanging from the wall there would be a major issue...
Aside from the prevelence of the homosexual community, I had a good time. Work was tough and challenging, but I got to visit Pier 39 and Fisherman's Wharf. I have visited San Francisco several times throughout my life, so it brought back memories. It was dark by the time I got off work each day so I didn't get to see the silver men or too many artist/musician people.
My hotel in San Francisco was pretty neat; it was a '50s themed hotel right on the border of the ghetto of San Francisco (I'm not kidding, the hotel staff told me not to go down the street to the east past dark!). The bathroom colors reminded me a lot of my grandparents' kitchen-- their house was built in the '50s. My cousin saw a picture and said, "That is Grandma's kitchen!" Oh yes-- and I got to visit my cousin and her husband while up in the bay area. That was a blessing as well! I have a notion I will be up there again in the next 6-7 months, so perhaps I will visit again... (I'll keep you posted Em!)
Other than that, I haven't done much. I had the flu prior to going to San Francisco, and I attended The Call for a few hours on November 1st to pray for our nation and the church. I am SOooo glad Prop 8 passed! It was interesting to me that Obama won and Prop 8 passed. And 2 days after the election, I had to drive up to West Hollywood for work-- but I took my "Yes on 8" sticker off my car first so the windows wouldn't get smashed in (have you heard about all the protests there? They actually closed the street next to the bank I was at for a protest!).
So there you have it, a month of updates, briefly. I am traveling again next week, and the week after I am leading worship at church (yay!). God is good, and hopefully despite all my up and down emotions I will remember to praise Him for all He has done and is doing. (Amen!)
Much love, peace out. --D

Monday, October 13, 2008

Let the Season Begin!

It's official! Fire season has begun! Yay... :P
Please pray for California-- not only does it have a tendency to burn with fire physically, but the morality of its political state is set for some burning as well...
Don't forget to vote! Don't vote for Obama! Vote YES on proposition 8! Think of what will happen if it doesn't pass-- it's not just about some homosexual people being "happy"-- Christians will not be able to preach or teach the Bible fully and accurately without fear of imprisonment. Children will be confused as they will be forcefully indoctrinated by the schools (and they've been working on outlawing homeschooling, too-- remember?). You will have no control over the state polluting your child's mind. It's already happening in other states. Life as we know it will change.
Marriage has been instituted to be between one man and one woman-- and has been that way since the beginning of creation, for at least 6,000 years! It will not be well with us if things change, we can be certain of that.

Monday, October 06, 2008

My Trip to Newark

Hello all! During my trip to Newark, NJ, my coworker and I made a couple trips to New York City. Well, who wouldn't take tons of pictures in NYC? So here they are! Enjoy!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Land of Trees

Atlanta is the land of trees. I tell you, I have never seen so many trees from a plane, or on the ground, as I did in Georgia.
It was an interesting place. I didn't get out too much, mostly spending time in the airport. I had fun though. Here are some more pics I took.


How do ya like this one? He's my new buddy.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Toronto Trip

My Trip to Toronto! Check out my slideshow on Photobucket! Instead of uploading a ton of pictures, I made a single (long) slideshow for you to watch.
I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get it onto Blogger (despite there being a slideshow function with a Photobucket option... Grrr... But that's another story!)
It was an interesting trip! You may have heard (or seen in the news) about my outbound plane which blew a tire upon take-off... Yes! Oh my! It was scary! But God protected us and we landed quite safely-- even almost as smoothly as a normal landing! Amazing!
Hope you enjoy my pictures! -D-

Friday, August 29, 2008

Quart-Sized Triumph!

As you may have read in my last post, I have been trying to figure out a way to get all my daily liquids/gels into a single, quart-sized baggie-- only to realize I may have to check my luggage. Well, today I have triumphed over the quart-sized baggie! I have successfully fit 14 different liquid items into a single, quart-sized baggie! Woo hoo!
Just wanted to share-- and encourage you-- it can be done.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

One More Week!

Only one more week until I start my new position at work! Then I will be flying to Toronto, Canada for training for 4 days! I have never been out of the country or to the east coast-- so I will be doing both at once! Yay!
I am nervous about my last week-- and excited about my new job! It feels like it's been forever since I got the offer for the job. It's been a kind of hectic couple weeks-- researching and booking my flight, looking into taxi fares, trying to see how many 3oz. containers I can shove in a single quart-sized baggie only to realize I will probably have to check my luggage... Training the new person at work, the bank I work in getting robbed (email me for details if you want), trying to figure out how much parking at LAX should cost... Yeah, it's been a hectic couple of weeks!
But it's finally coming to a close. One chapter wrapping up and a new one beginning. I hope I get to meet a lot of cool people in all my travels. I know I will become very well acquainted with airlines and overpriced water... Hey, they're half as big as my water bottles at home and cost three times as much! Isn't there some sort of law against price gouging? And people complain about the currency exchange companies-- go get the water people! Sorry, a little pet peave of mine... :)
Aside from work life is also going well. My voice, which has been suffering from sinus issues (drainage into my throat hurting my vocal cords), seems to be getting much better. I went to the doctor about a month ago and got a prescription that's supposed to help my sinuses (which will in turn help my voice), and now my voice is at maybe 90% for flexibility and range, though still only at about 60%-75% for endurance depending on the day. There are days when talking for 5 minutes makes me feel as hoarse as yelling for an hour.
It's been a little frustrating, because I love to sing, and as a musician and songwriter, it's something I do a lot. So I'm glad it's getting better. But I just don't know how not to sing. If there is music, I will sing. I was at church this morning and my voice hurt a little, and I was trying not to sing. How can you not sing during worship?? If you happen to think of it, please pray for me in this area. :) Thanks!
Well all, it's time to iron my clothes for my last week of work! Yay! :) Ciao, D

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I have been wanting to invest in photo editing software for quite some time now. Little did I know, my computer came with photo editing software! I just found it the other day while uninstalling programs to clean up my computer. Granted it's a 60 day trial, but it's only $50 so when the 60 days is up, I will probably just buy it. It's so fun!
60 days from now I will be well-immersed in my new job as an Internal Auditor for my company. Yes, that's right! I got a promotion! I can only give the credit to the Lord; I asked everyone I know to pray for me, and He answered all those prayers! I can just imagine it...
"I just have this feeling that we should hire her..." says one person. The other answers, "Yeah, me too; and I had this weird dream last night that if we didn't hire her, something bad was going to happen!"
I start my new position September 1. I will get to travel all over the west side of the U.S. and Canada auditing branches, and when I am not traveling I will get to work from home, writing reports on my findings. It will be fun to get to visit another country-- the closest I've been to being outside the country is going "off" the country, to Catalina Island.
Yep, so life is about to change dramatically. But I am looking forward to it. And I will be able to take a lot of pictures of all the places I visit, and edit them and add cool effects! Praise God, He is good. As the title of my blog denotes: His plans are good. Indeed.

Anyone like M.C. Escher?

Monday, July 21, 2008

No Place Like Home...

This past Saturday I drove up north to visit my family. My cousin who moved up to central California was down visiting. Giving that she drove over 300 miles, I guess I can drive 70 to go visit!
Being around my family has a way of making me feel more normal. I'm not short anymore (well, not as short), and my seemingly strange habits all seem to fall into place and make sense.
I'm no longer the weird one for making sure I don't rip the bag when opening a new box of cereal or bag of chips (so that it can be closed properly later on!). Seeing a ripped bag of chips when trying to put away left overs, my aunt said, "This will show you I didn't open it!" Meaning a member who married into the family or a child with mixed blood did it. Hahaha
Also, everyone (including myself) was carrying around cameras and photographing everything! It was primarily because my cousin had brought her newborn baby boy and 21-month-old daughter. But I had fun catching the camera mania on my own camera (as you can see...).
My family is great. Christmas is my favorite, when another type of mania shows itself-- knife mania. You cannot open a present without at least a dozen pocket knives being whipped out with the accompaning, "Need a knife?" That stubborn ribbon-- no match for my family. Don't be surprised if you get some used wrapping paper though-- they are also good at sliding those knives under the tape and keeping the paper in pristine condition, as those who look on shout "Just rip it!" (My aunt makes a point to collect all the paper and throw it away before this can be accomplished though!)

Well, it's nice to visit your family and leave feeling just a little less weird, a little less short, and a little more justified in carting your pocket knife and camera with you everywhere. There's no place like home!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Well, I've pretty much emailed everyone I know and let them see this picture-- but because I haven't posted a blog in a while I thought this would be a fitting entry!
Here's the story on the hair-- My friend Anna called me and asked if I wanted to come over after work and go shopping with her and let her trim my hair (I'd cut bangs into my hair but not very well and she had an idea to make it better). When I got to her house, she told me she was going to but some dye to highlight her hair (which is brown) and asked if I wanted her to do my hair too-- just a little bit, a few strands here or there. I hemmed and hawed, and after we went shopping I said okay.
So then we got home, and she pulled out the foil and started highlighting. Just about one shade lighter than my natural color, which is a darker/silvery blonde color (but not brown!). Then after doing about 5-6 foils, she said she thought it would look better to "do it all over"... I told her sure, go for it, whatever you think looks good. I also had her cut about 4 inches of length off, much to her surprise. So she was getting really excited here when I basically gave her free reign! So she grabbed a handful of dye from the bowl and slopped it all over my head! Just for the record, I thought she meant highlighting my whole head, not dying my whole head-- but I wasn't upset, I just wasn't expecting a cold glob of dye to hit my head!
So after 15-20 scalp burning minutes, we went and rinsed it out. We kept adding time-- first it was 8 minutes, then 10, then 15... I can't remember if we went to 20. But it was starting to look orange so we ran to the bathroom and she rinsed it out and washed it.
So there you have it. The story of my hair change and the motives behind it. Hope you enjoyed it! Tah tah for now, --D

Sunday, June 15, 2008

What a Priviledge!

So today was my first time leading worship, and I must say, it was such a joy and a blessing! It was completely different than I thought, actually. I thought I would be nervous, or have trouble focusing on actually worshiping God because I was so concerned about playing the right notes on the guitar-- but none of that was true at all. It was actually maybe the most focused I've been, and I wasn't nervous at all! Wow, what a difference prayer makes! Everyone was praying for me, and those prayers were definitely answered!
WWWIt was such a blessing too. Rather than feeling like a leader, like I was responsible for making something happen, I felt... It's kind of hard to describe, but I felt just so honored to be able to have the opportunity that I did. Our worship team is truly a team. I hardly felt I was leading anybody. I just picked the songs and played guitar and sang like I always do.
WWWAnd another thing I was concerned about-- I was afraid (and praying against it) that I would be tempted to think I'm "all that" and "so good" and just well up with pride-- "Oh look, you're so good you got to lead worship; it's about time someone noticed how great you are," etc. etc. You know Satan's lies that he whispers in our ear. But again, God answered my prayers and the complete opposite happened! I felt so humbled, so honored to be able to play with our team, and I truly, honestly feel that they are the reason that it sounded so great. I love listening to the recording! They sound awesome. If they weren't there, it'd just be me-- and who wants to hear that? Yuk! Hahaha. But really, they are awesome. I am so thankful to God for answering my prayers and for all the prayers of my friends.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Can I Use the Same Title Twice?

I was going to name this blog, "On the Horizon", but alas, I have already used that name! But this shall be "On the Horizon II". "Event Horizon"? Isn't that a movie...? Anyway...
Church Life
WWSo things have been good lately. I am excited, because on Father's Day I have the priviledge of leading worship at my church! Yay! The other 3 experienced worship leaders will be out of town that week, so I get to take the reigns for a week. I sure hope and pray it goes well. I'm sure it will be fine. I'm practicing and working on my song list already. I get to play my new guitar! I've never played using a guitar strap/standing up before (other than at home for a couple minutes). This will be a new experience, and I'm sure good practice.
"Bodily Exercise"
WWThe Bodily exercise continues to profit-- I weighed 119.8 the other day! With clothes! (But before lunch...) I typically weigh around 121. And for my birthday, my landlady Tamala and friend Anna took me out clothes shopping (these are some stylish girls here), and I got some really nice new clothes. It was like TLC's "What Not to Wear", only they did all the picking and I still had to pay for it. Kind of backwards, but it works! I actually liked them picking things, because I rather dislike clothes shopping. (And they love it! "Oh, look! How cute!" Another thing added to the cart... That's 20 items now...)
WW The most shocking thing of all-- and this is the part that is relevant to exercising-- is that my new pants are a size 4! Size FOUR! Wow! And my button up shirts are both "extra small"! I was wearing mediums and size 8 pants before! You know though, I lost some weight before I started working out, so my size 8's were probably a little too big before hand. But I was shocked and amazed that anything labeled "extra small" or "size 4" fit me-- and fit well.
Work Life
WWLife at work might be changing soon too. A new management position opened up at work, and I threw my resume into the hat. It's a rather... how do I say it lightly... undesirable position, in that it requires one to cover branches ranging from El Cajon (may as well be in Mexico it's so far south), and Beverly Hills, L.A. -- Those are very far apart from one another! I did some mapping, and for me to do a round trip circuit to just the L.A. branches, it would be 226 miles and 4.5 hours of driving (without traffic-- 6.75 hours with traffic). That's about $113 in gas mileage reimbursement from the company (for one trip, and this would happen at least once a week)-- not counting hotel costs for likely stays overnight (because half your work day was spent driving). Yeah, not fun.
WWI figured taking the train and renting a car would be cheaper (and save my car too), but I emailed the top dogs and suggested maybe two managers would be better, one for L.A. and one for San Diego, who meet on a regular basis (somewhere in between L.A. and SD) to form a unified team... We'll see how well that goes over. Even my current supervisor didn't apply for the job because he thinks it's so not worth all the stress (he currently drives all over just San Diego to do paperwork for the 7 branches here). Hopefully they realize how much money it would cost to fulfill their proposed management restructurization-- companies are in to saving money, right?-- and then I'll get a nice management position without all the driving.
Well, that's it for now! Happy June!

Monday, May 19, 2008

New Guitar

WWWWSo I just got my first acoustic-electric guitar! I had been wanting to get one for a few months ever since I have been playing music solo; I haven't had someone else's guitar to use at gigs so I've been limited to playing piano or trying to lug my case-less no-pickup guitar with me. Sure, you can use a mic and don't need a pick up-- but the no case thing was a major hindrance. I could have spent some money to buy a case, but why bother when you know you are going to get a new guitar sometime in the near future? Plus my guitar is a cheapie $89 starter. Sounds great for what it is, but it was time to move on...
WWWWI'd been toying with getting a Taylor or a Martin-- I'm partial to Martins just because that's the first "real" guitar I played-- but after playing a few Taylors, I was firmly decided on a Martin. I had gone to Guitar Center a week or so ago and tried out various models. Out of their (affordable) options, I left with the DC-16GTE Premium in mind. A dreadnought model, it had a rather large body (see pic) and I didn't find it particularly attractive. But that's secondary to great sound, and that it had. I also liked the pickup, how you could go between its pickup and an internal mic with a gooseneck (you can see it in the pic inside the sound hole). The guys at the store were asking if I should get something a little smaller... because I'm rather... small.
WWWWI went down to Buffalo Bros. Guitars today and checked out some Taylors and various Martins. I peeked at the other brands but didn't try them ($$$ from what I could see). They had a rather unimpressive selection of Martin guitars, and didn't have the model I mentioned above to even compare to others. The only dreadnoughts they had (large body is ugly, but has a great sound) were acoustic with no electronics, too expensive, didn't have the cutaway I wanted, or just didn't sound great. So I tried a "regular" guitar-- not a dreadnought or jumbo body. I doubted I would like it since, in my opinion, they usually have a flat, small, blah sound (in comparison)-- but this particular guitar did sound great. And so I took it to the amp room and played it for a good while plugged in and unplugged. And I really enjoyed it, liked the sound, and had a good feeling about it, and so I bought it! The Martin 000C-16GTE Aura. I dig it! It sounds awesome! I also got a totally COOL (but very girly) strap! (And don't worry, I didn't pay the list price in that link...! Nowhere close!) Here are some pics:

Saturday, May 03, 2008

All the Pretty Flowers!

I was totally blessed the other day when much to my suprise, my friend's mom came into my work (right across the street from her own job) and presented me with a beautiful little vase full of freshly picked roses from her garden! I had been missing her, so it was nice to see her, and it was just so sweet to get such pretty flowers! So to make the most of them, I took many, many pictures of them-- each day as they unfolded further into their full bloom, I would snap pictures to capture their beauty. My only qualm was that I couldn't photograph their smell-- oh, it was amazingly sweet!
Here are some pictures I took.

Monday, April 14, 2008

"Bodily Exercise Profits a Little"

WWWI was excited this morning when I weighed myself, and I weighed 122.5! That's the least I've weighed since... like... high school. Exciting stuff!
WWWI've been working out for the last month and a half or so, and it's amazing. I don't know that I've ever really been in shape, so it's neat when I touch my leg and there's tone to it! Wow! I will take the Bible verse out of context here and say, "bodily exercise [indeed] profits a little"! Hehe. I don't know if I'll ever look as good as this parrot though.

WWWOther than this, life is good. On Sunday I was blessed to have the priveledge to play both the offering song (I played an original song I'd written) and the pre-sermon song. Everyone loved my song, and I was very blessed by all their kind words. Our worship leader wants me to play on a regular basis and share more of my songs. I'm so excited! The Lord is good!

WWWMy new car is driving well. I think I've finally mastered driving a hybrid. It's really fun, and zips around in a quite enjoyable way. It's got a lot of weight to it, so it rides really smoothly. And I sold my old car, and got a decent amount with which to start a reasonable savings.

WWWGod is good. He blesses us much, though we don't deserve it. Oh how good it will be when we are finally with Him! I love Revelation 21:3-4: "And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Can't wait!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

New Car!

The end of my car search has come! Alas, I have a trusty auto to call my own. The Lord is good, and as He has declared in His word, "If we are faithless, He will remain faithful; He cannot deny Himself" (2 Timothy 2:13). He has truly been faithful, and blessed me exceedingly abundantly beyond what I could have asked or imagined. (Although I must say, it's a mixed bag, because although I've been blessed, I've also received a trial that will keep me dependant upon Him, in that my finances are going to be tight. Doable, but tight. But this is good too, from a heavenly perspective that is! So in that I will take joy!)
So what is it, you ask? Well, from this first picture, you can't quite tell. Is it a Ford Focus? It doesn't quite look like it. And what's that little yellow sticker at the bottom right hand corner? Is that-- an HOV lane sticker? But I thought only Hybrid cars could have those?
In this you are correct! Only Hybrids can have HOV lane passes. And that's why I have one-- 'cause I got a Hybrid! How sweet is that? Hello good gas mileage!
It's an interesting story how I came upon this car. A quite long story. So maybe I'll give you the abridged version. I'd been applying for auto loans to no avail; apparently there's a particular sort of marking on my credit report that they don't like, despite my score being good. I was looking at a Toyota Corolla (2001 for $6995), and the dealer told me all he could offer me is a 20%+ loan and $2,000 down. With what resources I had available to me, and pressing them at that, I could maybe only scrape together $1000 max.
So I'd been talking to my dad throughout this whole process, and he said he would talk to my step-mom about my situation. So they called me back, and said they were not willing to cosign for me, but that they would be willing to each give me $1000 ($2000 total). Wow! That was amazing! I never expected that. How truly awesome of them to help me like that.
I soon found out though that this (not so hot) loan I could get for the Corolla had a 36 mo. term-- which would make the payments too expensive to fit into my budget. I'd need a minimum of 48 mo. I was getting very frustrated and quite faithless with hitting so many dead-ends.
My step-mom found an '06 Corolla for $9000 up in L.A. with only 26k miles on it-- sounds too good to be true-- but they wanted me to come up and look at it. I was convinced it would end the same way-- not approved for a loan, payments too much, horrible rates, etc. and so I didn't want to go. My dad said to me, "Where's your faith? You're always talking about faith, have some! Get on up here." So I hopped on the train to Orange and they picked me up and we drove to L.A. to look at this car.
Okay, so this is supposed to be ABRIDGED, so long story short, they dealership was way lame, and they sold that car on the 10th and told us it was still on the lot, then tried to blame it one someone else and sell us something else. So we left. We drove down the road, which had several dealerships, and looked at a few. No luck. Nothing under $13k most places.
THEN... Right when we were about to give up, we came across a Toyota Prius Hybrid. $11,995. The cheapest thing they had on the lot, and the cheapest Hybrid I've ever seen, but still too expensive. Of course the dealer wanted me to test drive it when he saw us looking at it. I was initially reluctant, because I didn't want to get suckered. But I ended up test driving it. Hybrids are weird I tell you!
So back at "the table" with the 4 square sheet, we wheeled and dealed. We wanted the car for no more than $10k. He said he couldn't lower the price as it'd already been marked down from $13,995 because it wasn't selling, and they wanted it to sell easier. I said, "It'd sell for sure if you made it $9,000" haha. He apparently liked this logic. We basically negotiated on monthly payments. First it was no more than 48 mo. was available since it's a 2001. Then after a few trips back to the office, he came back with, "ok, so $2,000 down and $199/mo. and it's a deal?" Yes, I told him. And so it was. And the amazing thing is-- my rate is only 7.25! No ghastly 20% loan! And I got a 60 mo. term with no prepayment penalties (it's a long time but it's what I needed to make almost any reasonably nice car affordable.) Amazing.
So thank you to my parents. This is my birthday present for the next 300 years! And Christmas, and everything else! It's a pretty sweet little car, but I tell you-- going from a base model 1993 Corolla to a loaded 2001 electric whirlwind is weird. It took me a day to figure out the radio. Crazy touch screen controls!
So praise the Lord! He is faithful! Now if I could just trust that He will provide for my other needs as well... That's the depending on Him part! Lord, help my unbelief!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Long Time No Blog

WWWSo it's been a little while since I've posted a blog. It's not that I haven't wanted to-- each time I logged onto my computer I'd see my blog, calling to me, beaconing, "Post, post, post..." But alas, I had to deny my feelings of longing, for I wanted to leave my prior blog up long enough for people to read it. I have no idea if anyone ever did.

WWWWhy blog if no one reads it? It's a nice release, true. But... Really. There's not much point if no one reads it. Shall I simply entertain illusions of grandeur-- (drifts on in a daydream...) My blog is the most popular site on the web! "Did you see what was on D's blog today? Oh my, was it profound!" Yes, yes... (lights dim and cameras pan out from the crowd of fans to reveal an ordinary person sitting alone in their dining room).

WWWNo, but really. Life is going great. I have started working out! It's been almost a month, and already I've had to start wearing my belt a notch tighter. It's the last notch on my belt, so it looks like pretty soon I'll have to be getting a new one! I've also been blessed to have some great fellowship while working out. It's funny. I have to admit, I can't take credit to taking the initiative to start working out. Hey, I've had a veritable gym at my house (across the yard in my landlord's house anyway) for a year now, and I haven't taken any initiative to get in shape. No, all the credit goes to Alma.
WWW"Let's go to my time share," she says. Then when she comes to pick me up, turns out she's decided we're going to be workout partners! That was just what I needed to get started. Don't ask. Just come pick me up and tell me to get some workout clothes. It feels good to be getting in shape though. I've never been in shape-- I wonder what I'll look like?

WWWLife has also been good on the spiritual front. The Lord has really been showing me a lot, and growing me and teaching me. Also, I have decided to practice guitar and get good at it, and have been playing quite a bit (when the schedule allows, anyway). A couple nights in a row my fingers looked like they had blisters on them they were so white (callouses!). They're starting to peel though so I need to get back to practicing. I've been too busy this past week.
WWWEaster was good. After Easter service at my church I went to a picnic with Alma and her church. It was funny because I happened to know a lot of people at her church from playing worship there once a month for about 5 months. It was the first time I was a guest and knew everyone! That made it more fun though, because I got to see lots of familiar faces.

Well, it's off to practicing guitar (and ironing clothes for work and doing dishes... blah). Much love, D

Friday, February 22, 2008

The New Jerusalem

____So, I have recently been reading the book of Revelation, and ideas and images have been swirling through my mind-- So I thought I would share some of them with the mass populace. Yesterday and today I have been in ch. 21, which speaks primarily about the New Jerusalem, or, "the great city, the holy Jerusalem".
____One thought that occurred to me was this: In verses 21:9-10, the angel says to John, "Come, I will show you the bride, the Lamb's wife." From this passage we can clearly put together that the angel is calling the new Jerusalem "the Lamb's wife", and that they are one and the same.

Bride of Christ = Church = New Jerusalem?
____There are at least a couple passages that I can find that imply that the church (the body of believers in Christ) is this bride of Christ (ie, Ephesians 5:22-27, Revelation 19:7-9). I can't find a direct reference, but there's certainly enough contextual evidence throughout the New Testament to put this idea together. If the "Lamb's wife" is the New Jerusalem, and the church is the Lamb's wife (or bride of Christ), then that would mean the church is the New Jerusalem.

Two Women
____What intrigues me is that here the church is portrayed as a city (whether the church is dwelling within a literal city or it is symbolic of the church I do not know), and that in Revelation 17 there is another symbolic woman-- the great harlot who sits on many waters, who represents Babylon the Great. This intrigues me because I have been wondering what this "Babylon" could be symbolic of.

Babylonian Mystery Religion
____There are some who believe it is representative of a corrupt religious system, one that has been deceiving the world from almost its very foundations-- and that it originated with Nimrod and the building of his cities. And this would be the Babylonian mystery religion, upon which all false religions have been based throughout history.
____It is a system designed by Satan, who, in an effort to deceive mankind, mimics the truth of the gospel and God's word. This mimicry stands to make God's word appear to be just another myth-- "Look how similar it is to other ridiculous beliefs people have held in the past." It causes yet others to believe the lies.

Babylon: City or Religious System?
____Now, in reading through the passages about Babylon and her judgment, I have sought to read them without presupposed ideas (no eisegesis here), and to only draw from the text (exegesis). With my limited understanding of history, this obviously keeps me from coming to any grand conclusions. But one thing I found of interest was how incredibly specific the details about Babylon, as a city, are:

____It speaks of the woman as "a great city which reigns over the kings of the earth", of this city being "fallen" and becoming a "dwelling place" for abominable creatures; it speaks of the nations of the earth, and merchants of the earth, having some sort of exchange with her, and becoming rich through the "abundance of her luxury". God calls people to "come out", and that she will be plagued with death, mourning, and famine, and be burnt with fire. The most interesting part to me is where it goes into great detail about the merchandise traded through this woman, Babylon: precious stones and metals, spices and oils, rich fabrics, animals, foods, chariots, and bodies and souls of men Revelation 18).

____It's kind of hard to imagine an intangible system being burned with fire-- but it's possible that the "system", if it is that, could very well have a physical epicenter that could be burned, could conduct trading transactions, possess wealth, etc. And that they trade "bodies and souls of men", well, that just creeps me out and makes me want to shudder at the pure evil of it all. Trading bodies and souls of men for profit? And weeping when you cannot do so anymore? That's just disturbing!

Women, Religious Systems, and Cities, Oh My!
____So, where I am going with all this is-- if the Bride of Christ (a woman), who is in fact a group of people in a "religious system" (Christianity), is referred to as a city-- Could it then stand that the harlot (a woman), who is Babylon, is also a group of people who are in another, false religious system?
____And, if the city of Babylon is symbolic, and all its seeming details symbolic, could then the city of the New Jerusalem be symbolic as well, and not necessarily a literal city?

Is the New Jerusalem Symbolic?
____We find when reading about the New Jerusalem many details given that would lead you to believe it is, in fact, a literal city. It has dimensions, gates, stones, names written on it, no temple, etc. But so do we find many seemingly physical details in regards to Babylon-- And we can all see that there is no literal city of Babylon ruling over the kings of the earth, at least not in our time nor the forseeable future. And one could use the line of logic, "Well, it may exist in the future..." But the words of Revelation don't seem to jive with it being a new city, but rather one that has been plaguing God and all things holy for millenia.
____The only difference I can see between the descriptions of Babylon and the New Jerusalem is that the New J is given specific dimensions and architectural/design plans. This surely gives the impression of it being a literal city (I never said it wasn't, I'm just speculating).
____In pondering this thought, I could see how perhaps the "12 foundations" of the New Jerusalem, which have the names of the 12 apostles written on them, could forseeably symbolize the 12 apostles being the foundation of the church. They laid the early doctrine, penned much of the Bible (if you include Paul as one of the 12), and were the start of the earliest churches. We are told in Acts that the disciples continued steadfastly in the "apostles doctrine" (Acts 2:42). They are the foundation of the church whether or not it's a literal city, mind you. So this doesn't prove anything.

Symbolism Run Amok
____IIf we decided to go symbolic, what would the 12 gates named according to the 12 patriarchs of Israel stand for? Perhaps that Israel was the "gate" by which the church entered the world? I have no idea. And as far as all the minute details, such as the stones and colors and all (and for that matter, all the trading and details and such in regards to Babylon)-- I have no idea, and could not start to fathom, what they could possibly be symbolic for-- if they are symbolic at all.
____It doesn't stand to reason that God would have useless, meaningless words penned down in His Bible, and so I don't think they are just there as filler to make it a more colorful story. Thus they must have some purpose or meaning, whether it's all symbolic or Babylon and the New J are literal cities.

The Conclusion...
____And so, the conclusion of the matter is... No conclusion at all! Just some food for thought. Revelation is an interesting book. I can hardly wait to see how it unfolds in real life! And I too, in response to Jesus' statement, "Surely I am coming quickly," say, "Amen. even so, come, Lord Jesus!"

Monday, February 04, 2008

Fun with Cameras!

Here are some pictures I've taken with my new camera.

These are 2 trees I see on frequent occasion: the gas station and work!

I took this one from a housing tract at sunset. The colors didn't come out as well as they showed on the camera (or in person!), but it was quite stunningly picturesque.

Some berries on a tree...

Dried eucalyptus & beaded decor

Getting a little artistic-- Everything's black and white except for the pink spots.

I have also made a couple fun videos; I couldn't upload them onto my blog due to size restrictions, but I put them on YouTube. This one is a random video I made on the ride to Ramona a couple weeks ago-- I was trying to film the scenery (pics kept coming out blurry) but the conversation was ridiculously funny. I don't think you could script a more ridiculous conversation if you tried! And this one is my friend's puppy helping out with the housework.

Hope you enjoy! God bless, D

Monday, January 28, 2008


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This new system is efficiently designed to never need replacement! Not only does it have a 9-lifetime warranty, but it has a built-in balancing system so that when it's accidentally dropped, it always lands upright. It runs on economical and earth-friendly fuel as well. No more clunky batteries! Our specially manufactured F.O.O.D. (that's Formula One Orificial Development) is all you need to keep C.C.A.T. running like new.
Call NOW to order your C.C.A.T. today! Supplies are limited, so act fast!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

God is Good :)

God is good. Need I say more? I think that is an understatement! :)
No, but really. He is good. I was looking over my past blogs, and I realized that He's answered so many prayers. I had been working in Escondido, and really desired to work in Carlsbad, because the hours, distance, and location in regards to my social activities were better-- and look, I have been working at Carlsbad for 3 months now!

And I was working 6 days a week, and Sunday being a very busy day, that left me with very little spare time to engage in hobbies, music writing, cleaning house, etc.-- not to mention that I rarely got to sleep in! And now, well, I have Mondays off! It's perfect: Not only do I have 2 days off a week, but they are right next to each other, and one is a week-day, so if I need to go to the bank, or mechanic, or post office, I can. If I had Saturday off, I wouldn't have such an easy time doing those things. And to boot, that means I don't have to worry about leaving early from Sunday nights at the coffee shop (Jesus Jams, the Christian music night at E-Street Cafe), because I get to sleep in on Monday! Ooh, this is great. God is good.

I've also been blessed to be able to get a good digital camera! I am getting it Tuesday. I have always loved taking pictures, but never really had the money to pursue photography. I used to take lots of pictures with my film camera, but I had an issue with getting the rolls of film developed. I like to take lots of shots, hoping that I will capture a couple things that are stunning and amazing-- but on a roll of what, 24 pictures, 2-5 good pictures is just not worth $10 to develop. And so after acruing a pile of about 13 rolls of undeveloped film that sat and aged for a few good years, I decided I wasn't going to do that anymore, and was going to wait until I could afford a digital camera. Now I can take ALL the pics I want, with NO remorse over film! And that one amazing shot-- I can take it to Kinko's (oh, pardon-- "FedEx-Kinko's") and have it printed (or wherever, but not on my inkjet).

So I just wanted to take a moment to stop, and acknowledge all His blessings. I have food-- more than enough, I have a wonderful home to live in, great people in my life, a wonderful, God-glorifying church; I have no reason to complain. "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits!"

And another great thing-- I have lost like 5 lbs. without even really trying; I haven't weighed this little since I was in high school! Yay! Only 10 more lbs to go... :) That might take some exercise...
Praise God, for He is good!