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Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Land of Trees

Atlanta is the land of trees. I tell you, I have never seen so many trees from a plane, or on the ground, as I did in Georgia.
It was an interesting place. I didn't get out too much, mostly spending time in the airport. I had fun though. Here are some more pics I took.


How do ya like this one? He's my new buddy.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Toronto Trip

My Trip to Toronto! Check out my slideshow on Photobucket! Instead of uploading a ton of pictures, I made a single (long) slideshow for you to watch.
I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get it onto Blogger (despite there being a slideshow function with a Photobucket option... Grrr... But that's another story!)
It was an interesting trip! You may have heard (or seen in the news) about my outbound plane which blew a tire upon take-off... Yes! Oh my! It was scary! But God protected us and we landed quite safely-- even almost as smoothly as a normal landing! Amazing!
Hope you enjoy my pictures! -D-