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Sunday, November 07, 2010

The Power and Beauty of Music

I've been Pondering the oddity of Music... It is such a beautiful and powerful thing. How is it that it has the ability to stir us to action, to bring us to tears, to encourage and strengthen us, to remind us of things since forgotten? How can notes, stacked upon each other, and rhythms... How can these be so absolutely life changing as they are?

I think myself strange - I am a musician, but don't often find myself listening to music. I shrug my shoulders as I watch my friends totally absorbed by the music world - iPods in their ears, or radio blaring non-stop... Yet me? I rarely find myself moved to delve with such immensity into the seas of sound.

But when I do... Then I am reminded of the beauty, awesomeness and power of music. And I wonder... Why do I run from it? Why do I hide? I know I am sounding... poetic and weird (it's the music!)... But it just baffles me why I avoid something I enjoy so much. Maybe there's some kind of subconscious psychological reason... Or maybe it's because I don't get the radio station I like at my house and I'm too lazy to get up and change CDs all the time, and don't like headphones on all the time...?

Hmmmm... Maybe I'll never know. But I am hoping that I don't soon forget how God works to minister so much through the mystery and art of music. :)

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