Life has been busy but great lately. It's had its ups and downs, but God is good, and always worthy to be praised!
Recently, maybe a month or so ago, my band was given an opportunity to do some recording by the sound guy at our church. He offered to record us! How awesome is that? It's not professional grade, as we are not using a studio and are recording everything on one track, but it is good and he's good at mixing us and definitely patient! It's the best opportunity for recording we've had yet.
And man, recording can be difficult. Some songs come out in one or two takes, and others like, 20 or more, and then you listen to it later and decide to start all over. That's one of the hard things about live recordings-- you can't really doctor anything! You just have to play it right. Period. It's pretty hard to not go out of tune at all during a song, ornot to play a wrong note or wrong chord. That's why I said our sound guy is patient...
Other than that, life isn't full of too many "big" things. But I think it's the little things I appreciate the most. They came out with a new smell at Bath & Body Works-- Wild Honeysuckle (or something to do with honeysuckle). It smells like you're walking by a honeysuckle bush in bloom! It smells sooooo good! But you know, I didn't want to pay $11 for a container of lotion, though I really wanted to get some. And today when I was going there to get more antibacterial hand lotion (the gel kills my skin... This winter the whole pad of my right thumb peeled off, and I had to get steroid ointment to heal it... No alcohol sanitizers for me anymore!!)... I use it because I touch money all day at work and can't wash my hands very often (yuk). But getting to the point, I was so hoping they had this new smell in that lotion, and I looked and looked... And then I found it!! Yay! Those are only $4, and I needed one anyway. The Lord hooked me up! Yay!
Another blessing, I needed some groceries before I get paid at the end of this week, and didn't have the money... And low and behold, my state tax return got deposited into my account last Friday. Now I have enough food until payday!
God has also been good to me in so many other small ways. He's played one of my favorite songs on the radio just at the right time, helped me do really really well at work, arranged for me to work at this other location of my company that I've really wanted to work at the whole time I've been employed there (but there's a barrier to that...). I'm so excited to get to fill in there, even if it is for 1 day. I love those little things that the Lord does for me. :)
I've also learned how to make some really great smoothies at home. Orange juice, vanilla yogurt, some fresh banana, and frozen fruit (my favorite is dark cherries & mixed berries, but tropical mix is good too), and my favorite ingredient, heeping mounds of unflavored soy protein powder! It gives it that wonderful chalky protein powder texture! I'm weird, but I like it. If desired, leave that out... It will be your loss. :)
I've been really lazy about cooking for myself. It's protein bars in the car for breakfast (hey, at least I eat breakfast), usually a frozen lunch (but no preservatives or extra sodium, yuk) or if I am feeling up to it, a sandwich! Sometimes I get really fancy and buy a pre-made salad or sautee some meat to go in my frozen lasagnas. Trader Joe's is wonderful, what can I say? They make life so much easier. It's the only way I've found to eat healthy, fast, and affordable all at the same time. But I make smoothies... And... Sandwiches. Those are my specialty. I love sandwiches. Sautee some tenderized, sliced up skirt steak with some seasonings and fire-roasted bell peppers (sold in a jar at Trader Joe's, of course), and throw it on some toasted sourdough with some melted cheese on top... Voila, Philly Cheese Steak in like 10 minutes, for like half the price of a restaurant. You have to do it in the oven though. Put the cheese on the meat on the bread w/ mayo and throw it all in the oven... Yummmm...
Well, I'm going to go eat something!
God bless!
Peace out. :)

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