This last weekend I visited Costa Mesa to attend Brian Broderson's service at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's "Big Tent Revival" (so they call it because they are in a tent while the sanctuary is being remodelled). Danny Donnelly was playing, and I wanted to see him. The Lord blessed me.
I was sitting there as Danny was talking about how he didn't have a set planned out and didn't know what he was playing (that he was just playing whatever he felt like), and as he spoke he picked a capo off the head of his guitar and put it on a fret. While he did this a thought shot through my head like a little shooting star: "Lord, I pray that Danny would play All Steps Are Ordered." Just then he took the capo off and said, "You know, I feel like the Lord would have me play this song for someone here tonight." My first thought was "I wonder who it is?", assuming it wasn't myself. Then it occurred to me, "Oh yeah, it could be me..." I was stoked at the thought that it could be me. I always assume it's someone else and start looking around and wondering who it is.
So, he went on to describe the song. He'd written it just before a church service, it always encouraged him on those days when he was having a rough battle with spiritual warfare. I thought to myself, "This doesn't apply to me, I'm not going through anything like this right now." He spoke a lot of spiritual battle type stuff. Then he said, "The name of the song is All Steps Are Ordered," and went on to play it.
"What? How did that description describe that song?" I wasn't sure, but it sure made it a surprise! I was so excited that the Lord had blessed me like that and had him play that song. Afterward I told him about the whole thing, and he was blessed I think, and said "Ah, so it was you...!" Tom and I actually recorded that song onto my answering machine (we sang an a capella duet).
ALSO, another blessing that night: I had mentioned at worship practice a couple nights before that I wanted Danny to play "Beautiful Savior", a really nice worship song that I was pretty sure he wrote (and later that was confirmed, which explains why almost no one knows it). I had totally forgotten about that desire when after service, lo and behold, they played it. I was doubly blessed. God is so good, to give me such little desires of my heart! (Now if I could only have enough faith that He would give me the bigger ones too!)
Aside from that, I have been blessed (and challenged at the same time) to get to sing on the worship team every Sunday this month so far-- I was only scheduled once, but I've been filling in for different absentees. It's fun, but challenging (in my own sad way) in that I have to wake up a whole hour earlier to get there for practice Sunday morning (I know, poor me, huh?) and because (I think due to allergies) my throat has been really sensitive lately and gets sore and worn out really fast when I sing or even talk a lot. This also happened 3 years ago, only far worse-- I actually had a horrible sore throat constantly and practically lost my voice! After far too long of that I went to the doctor who looked at my throat for 2 seconds and said, "Allergies. Take Claritin." And here I thought I had tonsilitis or some horrible throat problem! Allergies... Post nasal drip, to be exact... Lovely, I know. But God has kept me singin' these past 3 weeks, and I trust He will do the same this Sunday! He's good. "Where God guides, God provides," Chuch Smith always says.
Well, it's time for some chores and sleep.
Blessings! Peace out. :)
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