It's been a month since I've moved into my new place, and it's finally starting to take shape-- I was excited to find my note pad the other day, the one I use to make lists of things I need to do. I had forgotten about it, and when I was meandering about the house wondering where I could write some things I need to do, thinking how nice it would be to be able to write down things I need to do, all the sudden I remembered-- my notepad! I dug it out, and started listing.
And, the Lord even opened my eyes to see a great place to keep my "pile"-- that place, you know, where you dump all your receipts, mail, papers, etc. That's where I keep my list. My home is finally taking some assemblance of routine and regularity! Yay!
The picture above is when I first moved in-- before the painters and the tilers, before the furniture came up (the piano was moved at the first because I had it professionally moved, due to lots of stairs and such) ... Now... Looks a lot different, huh? The walls are white, there's a lovely down-filled sofa, I have some pictures hung up (I have a refrigerator!), and things are starting to have a routine place.
I'm stoked. I like my new place. I enjoy coming home and not having anything or anyone to clean up after. Well, I do have to change my fish's water once a week... But that's okay. And I love being able to walk down the stairs and across the yard and visit my friends in the main house. It's like living alone, but not alone. It's the perfect thing for me right now. (I can say that because it is perfect for me right now-- that's why God did it!)
Life has been great too: God has opened up doors for Tom and I to record a CD at church! It's not professional quality, but the best recording (and easiest) since we've played together. And it's basically free (minus gas to drive there and CDs to burn on). It's great. We've also been able to get involved in the worship team at church. I love the people at my church, how they love the Lord and love the church body and act out that love.

As far as storms that have rained down on me (trials), being really tired from lack of resolution and routine, being unable to get things done and settled-- this has been the trial of the season. He has gotten me through it well (I hardly complained at all... hehehe) and given me strength to get through it. And now, next week... VACATION!!! Yay! Praise God for vacation time! Sleeeeep... Sweet rest... :) Amen.
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