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Sunday, September 05, 2010

New Endeavors

I am really enjoying photography as of late. I have always enjoyed it, but the better I get at it, the more I enjoy it! (Makes sense, no?) Some of my photos are pretty good. Others are on their way, but need a little bit of help.

So I was thinking that it would be awesome to take a photography class, or read a book or something to help me improve my skills. And someday (hopefully in the not-too-distant future) I would like to get a better camera - I have my sights set on an SLR (no particular model yet), but would also like to get this Panasonic Lumix camera... That little thing is aMAZing!

There might be better models by the time I can afford it, so I will check out what's out there... But while on vacation with my dad I had "camera envy"... I told him at one point (jokingly), "Okay, stop showing me your pictures! It just makes me hate my camera!" All his pictures came out awesomely clear and pristine and just perfectly amazing. In a small compact camera.

My 2nd cousin (who does photography as a hobby) says that's the portable camera the pros carry in their back pocket when not using an SLR, and that many photos displayed in shows were taken on those little cameras - That the processor is just amazingly good and professional quality. So whereas it would be nice to have an SLR, it would be great to have a nice little portable camera for those "spur of the moment" photo opportunities.

Ah, dreams dreams. But with what I have, I think I will start printing and framing, maybe make a calendar or put some mats on them and sell them on the side for some extra money, for gifts, for whatever. And I've started hanging some inside my own house. It's fun! It's like free art! ;)


Lynney said...

I carry a little hand held in my purse so I have one on me at all times. My slr is way heavy do it's not always practicle. But sometimes it's worth the weight! I can make some book recommendations but probably the best thing you can do is join a club or meetup and go on their outings and pick their brains during these times.

Deanna Milne said...

Thanks Lynne! My 2nd cousin suggested the same thing. Sounds fun! :)