So Wednesday I was on a conference call at work, and it was decided that I should fly out to one of our locations to conduct an independent investigation of a situation which had occurred recently. I was supposed to just go and do a couple simple tasks. I'd never done something like this before, but aside from the nervousness of a new task it seemed pretty self-explanatory and easy.
I drove to the airport and got to my gate just around boarding time. Yay for no long waits at the gate! When I got on the plane I ended up sitting next to this couple who were very personable and chatty. It was a nice change since I like to talk and usually get stuck next to people who have their head in a magazine. We ended up talking the entire flight, and even on the way out of the plane. Then they gave me their card w/address and phone number (odd!) and asked if I had a phone number or email address. I gave them an email address... I'm not too comfortable giving my phone number to strangers! Even though I did talk to them the whole flight...
So when I got to my destination I was greeted by
one of the higher level managers, who informed me that the location manager had just resigned without notice the evening before we arrived. .......... Long pause. Wow. This just opened up a whole can of worms and gave us a HUGE pile of things to do for which we had not budgeted time!
Obviously I cannot give you the details, but basically everything could possibly go wrong DID go wrong, and it was a difficult and exhausting 11-12 hour work day. My colleague did not even get to eat dinner before we left for our hotels that night. I got my dinner to go, and ate it around 11pm! Then it was up, up, up early the next morning to finish what we could before we both had to fly home. It was absolutely insane.

Phone calls every other minute providing updates, phone calls to my fellow auditor for assistance, phone calls to this company and that company... It all ended with a pat on the back from my boss and a "you deserve the weekend off!" from my coworker. It was a great learning experience, but very, very tough!
And now I am home, for the meantime, until I fly out again on Monday to go do an audit! Craziness I tell you, craziness. If you only knew... :) But God was SO gracious to get me through it, and to give me a bit of mercy the 2nd day as 2 things actually worked out right (the rest still went wrong haha). He is awesome! And now, I am definitely ready for bed. Amen! And goodnight! ~D~
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