So I just got back last night around midnight from a conference in Newark, New Jersey. The conference was great; I had fun meeting managers from around the country and getting to hang out with my old management team from San Diego as they were there as well. But the trip home? Well,
that was an adventure!
We got to the airport 2.5 hours before our scheduled departure of 4:35pm (boarding at 4:05). It was myself, my former Sales Manager and former Operations Coordinator, along with the San Francisco and Phoenix managers on the flight. We from San Diego sat together whiling away the long hours until 3:30 when we decided to get some hot food right before the flight.
We went to Dick Clark's something-or-other and ordered. At about 3:45 I started checking the time every 5 minutes, as I was concerned about not being able to get and finish the food before boarding time. The other 2 started jokingly mocking me (as was typical of our relationship). One said, "Are you a child?" I thought she was saying I was acting childish. But she continued, "Are you a senior or someone with disabilities? Are you an elite member?" The point was there was no way I was going to get on the plane at 4:05! Then she reminded me, "You're zone 4!" Okay, so I was a little stressed out!
We finally finished, paid the bill, and got out of the restaurant at about 4:05-4:10. AND... Our flight was delayed! We didn't know because they'd announced it while we were in the restaurant. (More fun mocking ensued.) So we went out and sat down and waited. Now, a delay isn't a big deal when you're going home, unless you have a connection to make. Which we did. We, and about 70% of the flight were to connect to other flights in Phoenix. Now, if you've ever been to Phoenix airport, you know that it is absolutely huge and can take you 15 minutes to get between the 2 wings at Gate A. One wing had gates A1-16 and the other gates A17-30. And B gates? Try a 30 minute walk
using the people mover walkways!
So our flight was delayed, and due to severe weather we had to fly down and across the south instead of a more direct route. And even then we flew adjacent to an enormous lightning storm with possibility of "moderate to severe turbulence" for 15-20 minutes. It was amazing and beautiful (and I prayed... a
lot!). We were scheduled to touch down originally at 8:12pm AZ time, and our connection took off at 9:09pm. We were supposed to land at gate A26, and take off again from gate A26 an hour later. Don't ask me how that works, but that's what they told me! Now due to the delay, they said we'd
land at 8:50, and get to the gate by 9pm. That leaves
9 minutes, in
Phoenix airport, to get to the next gate... And I had a feeling our arrival gate would be moved since we were so late.
WAnd I was right! Our new arrival gate was A
10. That's in the other wing of A gates, a good long walk. They had a 5.5 hour old list of connecting gates, which did no include San Diego; all I had to go on was the A26 they'd told me at the airport. So without a miracle, it just wasn't going to happen. They also firmly, yet sympathetically, announced that it was
not practice to hold flights for
anyone, but that they
did "beg and plead" for someone to be waiting at the gate to help us all to our connections, many of which took off at 9:09, 9:14, 9:30 (some in B gates!).
WWe ended up
landing at 9:04-- 14 minutes later than anticipated. That basically nixed
any chance of catching my connection, minus the hand of God. I had a window seat (8a), and the 2 other ladies in my row were staying in Phoenix, so they traded and gave me aisle. I had my briefcase in hand and leg in aisle as we pulled up to the gate, but it still took at least 5 minutes to get off the plane.
I raced up the hallway to the desk and blurted out "San Diego 188"-- "A6, down the hall that way." A6??? A6??? Hallelujah! We'd arrived in at A10! I ran through the terminal to A6, expecting to see no one and nothing, having missed my flight by a mere 6 minutes (it was now 9:15 or so). I did feel a little guilty that even if I had somehow made the flight, my poor coworkers would likely miss it as they were in the back of the plane and had luggage to carry. But what I saw excited me thoroughly!
WAs I turned the corner, there it was-- a huge line of people at gate A6-- They had JUST started boarding, and in fact the line wasn't even moving yet! Praise God! Wow! Our flight was delayed! My 2 coworkers made it and we even had a couple minutes to stand and rest before boarding.
WI had also wondered what I'd do for food-- I hadn't eaten for about 7 hours and was planning to buy food in Phoenix. Another awesome blessing, gate A6 is right next to a "CPK to Go" kiosk, and there was no line. I ran up, grabbed a fruit/yogurt parfait, said "Can I get this real quick? My plane is boarding (pant pant pant)"-- he rung me up lightning quick, and I shoved my receipt in my pocket and got on the plane.
WI was SO excited to make my flight! There were no more flights to San Diego until the next morning at 9am, and I had taken a vacation day the next day and didn't want to waste it traveling. I
did have very real expectations for my luggage, however, which they made me gate-check in Newark due to the overhead bins being full. Even if I were to make my flight, there was no way my bag was getting off the plane and onto another plane in that short amount of time. It was destined to spend the night in Phoenix (which it did). But, being concerned about my luggage getting to San Diego with me, I took out my Bible and journal, the 2 things I would not want to be separated from and not have access to on the long flight. So neat how the Lord gave me wisdom to do that!
So here I sit, relaxing at home. They just called and said my bag would get here between 4-6pm tonight. What an adventure! I still can't believe I made my flight. Awesome, Lord! Just awesome.