My whole life Christmas has been my favorite, and the songs about Jesus have always been my favorite, though I didn't much have a reason for this before I became a Christian. My absolute all-time favorite Christmas carol is Oh Holy Night (aka Cantique de Noel). It is hard to imagine how I didn't see the amazing, glorious truth of the Gospel while repeatedly singing and playing this song. But 'tis the blindness of the unsaved soul, sadly. I love it even more now that I understand what it means.
Tomorrow is the annual trek to L.A. County to visit family. First up is my dad's house and then we will all make our way to my brother's home for dinner. I am excited to see my Daddy and step-mum and my brother and his girlfriend. My brother has been so kind to make wheat-free baked goods for me both Thanksgiving (rolls) and for tomorrow's dinner (brownies!). Hopefully the brownies come out as tasty as the rolls. I've heard horror stories about GF brownies!
Well, dishes must be done as I've created quite the mess in my kitchen baking 2 loaves of GF pumpkin bread (with chocolate chips!). I made 2 loaves so that some would actually make it to Christmas dinner! Ha! Last time I made it I consumed almost half the loaf before the party... Tee hee! MMmmmm...
Wishing you all a very blessed Christmas and happy New Year 2010-- May you remember Jesus' love and sacrifice for us and reflect on His goodness as you spend time with your family and friends this wonderful season. Amen! :)
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