It's been a while since I've written an update! Every time I log onto my computer, I see my blog. Sitting there. Waiting to be updated. It's no longer New Year's, after all...
I have been traveling a lot! I visited Houston the first week of January. I felt that Houston was perhaps the audit that would never end! I was working on it for 3 weeks afterward! But I had fun-- I got to try fried alligator and had a fried crawfish po-boy sandwich, both of which were amazingly good!
After Houston I had a touch of food poisoning, ironically from something in my own refrigerator... When in doubt, throw it out! But rather, I practiced "when in doubt, eat it anyway"! I should know better! Then I went to Portland, Oregon. THAT was fun, as I always have enjoyed visiting Oregon. It was actually snowing when I first flew in; I got to take some photos of snow while still on the plane. Unfortunately for YOU I haven't uploaded them onto my computer yet! haha.
It was maybe the first time I've experienced real winter since 1986, the last and only time I've been in snow. It was barely 30 in the morning, and at the peak of the afternoon it got up to around 35! Once the sun came out for 5 minutes and it got near 40 and everyone was excited. So sad, so sad. Hahaha. Then I flew home and it was 80!
This Monday I am off again on another adventure, this time along with my coworker from Toronto. I can't say where I am going however, as some of my coworkers know this site and they can't know! ;)
I promise I will upload some pictures some time this month. I'll be going to Newark again at the end of February for a conference. It is definitely chilly there-- I am wondering if I won't drop dead as soon as I get off the plane? Man oh man, I think 30 is my limit! :)
God bless! --D--
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