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Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Time Flies!

Wow oh wow, does time fly! I can't believe it's already October 5th - It seems like I was just wincing at the summer heat and fanning myself all the day long... And now it's raining and blustery, cold winds are sweeping through the land.

Today was a sad day as we mourn the loss of a true creative genius, Steve Jobs. A friend posted on FB and I watched his Stanford graduation address on YouTube. A week ago a friend-of-a-friend suddenly passed away from a massive heart attack as well... It makes one think... This life is oh, so temporary.

Tomorrow is promised to no man, and our lives - Even if long by human standards - Are but a vapor and then are gone. Only what is done for eternity will last.

I've been pretty discouraged since turning 30 a year or so ago... Thinking that my opportunities to live the kind of life I always wanted were now severely limited, or even gone. I am not married, not in a relationship, haven't graduated college, don't have a career, and am still renting (and not even able to afford to rent on the market!).

I have many talents and things I love to do - But I get overwhelmed by the need to pay bills and the time I have to spend working, and feel like I just don't have the energy or time to devote to these true interests. In addition to that, they are all quite expensive hobbies and I have very little money to spend on the good equipment that I would like to have. Lately I have been noticing a few things in regards to this...

(1) People aren't likely to take you seriously if you don't take yourself seriously - That is, if you are interested in photography but are always telling people your photos aren't very good, or saying that you don't have this or don't have that to be a "real" photographer... If you're always waiting for some level of status before you DO anything with your interest/talent... People aren't likely going to "buy your product" (believe in / support you).

(2) Pretty much everyone starts out as a nobody - And they just use the gifts God has given them to the best of their ability, and God is the one who raises them up as He wills. I mean, there are some musicians who I think are really super lame. Yet they are famous. How on earth did that happen? Some things just can't be explained logically... ;)

(3) Life doesn't end at 30. I know it FEELS like it does - But it doesn't. The age of 30 is not some mystical deadline that says, "If you haven't done it, or at least started doing it by now, it's too late." I take great hope from the people who have met and gotten married to the love of their life after 30. Who have discovered their calling in life after 30. Jesus began His ministry at 30, and changed the world forever...

Well, I suppose that's enough rantings for the moment. I will leave you with this one thought - Make the most of each moment, and do what glorifies the Lord for eternity... For only those things done for His glory will last in the end... Time is short. Amen.

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