I have been wanting to invest in photo editing software for quite some time now. Little did I know, my computer came with photo editing software! I just found it the other day while uninstalling programs to clean up my computer. Granted it's a 60 day trial, but it's only $50 so when the 60 days is up, I will probably just buy it. It's so fun!
60 days from now I will be well-immersed in my new job as an Internal Auditor for my company. Yes, that's right! I got a promotion! I can only give the credit to the Lord; I asked everyone I know to pray for me, and He answered all those prayers! I can just imagine it...
"I just have this feeling that we should hire her..." says one person. The other answers, "Yeah, me too; and I had this weird dream last night that if we didn't hire her, something bad was going to happen!"
I start my new position September 1. I will get to travel all over the west side of the U.S. and Canada auditing branches, and when I am not traveling I will get to work from home, writing reports on my findings. It will be fun to get to visit another country-- the closest I've been to being outside the country is going "off" the country, to Catalina Island.
Yep, so life is about to change dramatically. But I am looking forward to it. And I will be able to take a lot of pictures of all the places I visit, and edit them and add cool effects! Praise God, He is good. As the title of my blog denotes: His plans are good. Indeed.

Anyone like M.C. Escher?
Very cool editing!
Hey, didn't realise you were going for a new job. It was probably in that email you sent, but for some reason, everytime I tried to read it, it crashed my browser. Weird. Anyway, congratulations!
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