Hope you have a happy, blessed Thanksgiving day!
It makes me wonder-- people who do not know the Lord, yet "give thanks"-- who are they thankful to? Just goes to show it's built into our very nature that there is a God to whom we owe thanks.
We have much to be thankful for-- whenever I am tempted to complain about how I don't like the carpet, or would like a bed frame, want to make more money, or want this thing or that thing-- I stop and consider what I've heard many times before: we here in the U.S. are far richer than most other people around the world.
I have a bed. I have carpet. Some people sleep on dirt floors. I have food to eat-- and can choose what I want to eat; I can eat as many times a day as I want-- some people eat once a day, and eat the same thing: a small ball of rice. I have a job. So many others can't find work. Most of us don't even know what it really means to be hungry or thirsty in the truest sense. 

Not that having any of these things is bad, or that we should feel guilty (for all good gifts and perfect gifts come from God, and He gives us all things richly to enjoy), but these are good things to keep in mind when we are tempted to complain and desire greater material blessing, and also good to consider when we receive greater material blessings-- will we spend them on ourselves, or consider the needs of others? Sometimes even when we think we have nothing, and can give nothing, it's good to remember and count our blessings, and we find that we actually do have enough to share with others.
May we be truly thankful for all God has given us, and bless His holy name, not only on Thanksgiving, but now and always! :)
Truly He is good.
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