James 1:16-17 says "Do not be deceived my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." I used to think that verse said "Every good and perfect gift..." But no, it says "Every good gift and every perfect gift..." So the good things, like cellos, nice homes, good food-- as well as the perfect things such as eternal life in heaven, Jesus' sacrifice for our sins... These are all from Him. So we can enjoy the littler things as well as the most important thing, His love for us displayed ultimately when Jesus died on the cross to purchase our forgivenness!
So I found this cello on Craig's List for a very decent price (decent equalling affordability on my part), and it came with a stand and a gig bag as well-- so when I learn how to play it well enough to do in public (right now it sounds akin to caterwauling), I can carry it with me with great ease. I played cello in beginning band for one semester in high school, and took it home over the summer that year, but I think it takes a lot of practice to make it sound pretty. But I can play it relatively in tune... That's a good start. I enjoy plucking the strings and pretending it's a stand-up bass. That's fun. :)
The pictures are actual cello I bought-- I copied them off the ad (sneaky way to get pics! I don't have a good digital camera, so it was the only way to get nice pics of it).
Well, just wanted to share. Hope you are enjoying as well the blessings of a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ-- Praise God for His wonderful works to the children of men, as the Psalmist says! --D

1 comment:
I really enjoyed your insight into James 1. Thanks for sharing. Pete and I just had our fourth anniversary-talk about good gifts. God provides way more than I deserve.
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