Band Update:
We are blessed to have the support of our church body! They are fully behind us, wanting to help us fulfill the calling the Lord has given us. Our pastor got us a gig on the 12th leading worship for Ralph Wood's church in Oceanside.

Tom wasn't about to give up on getting good seats though. The ushers were very insistant that there was no ground level seating, but Tom told one usher he thought he saw some seats. The usher responded, "If you think so, you can try...!" So we walked and walked and got to these seats Tom saw. He says something to the usher lady, and then we proceed to take our seats in an almost completely open section, ground level 1st base. I turn to Tom, "What did you say to that lady?" "She asked how many, and I said 3." "You do know this is the deaf section, right?" "It is?? Oops!" ... Hahaha. Tom didn't know we were in the deaf section. But it's okay, they started opening it up to everyone a few minutes later. Tom decided our friend Jesse looked the most deaf out of all of us, which Jesse thought was pretty funny. He responded, "what?" Haha.
Afterward we went up to the Block in Orange, right up the freeway but with my directions around the block and back and forth up and down and then right up the freeway. I've been there a million times, but never from Angel Stadium! Oops.
We'd met up with our friend who'd originally saved us the seats and a bunch of his friends, and we all hung out at Starbucks there. A bunch of people from Harvest Riverside were walking the Block handing out Harvest Crusade flyers, and we met up with them and started talking. It was great to meet them. We met the worship leader for Day Seven at Harvest too, and I got to meet a couple rad girls who prayed for me. It was a blessing. :)
We'd met up with our friend who'd originally saved us the seats and a bunch of his friends, and we all hung out at Starbucks there. A bunch of people from Harvest Riverside were walking the Block handing out Harvest Crusade flyers, and we met up with them and started talking. It was great to meet them. We met the worship leader for Day Seven at Harvest too, and I got to meet a couple rad girls who prayed for me. It was a blessing. :)

Finally we headed off, having to drop Jesse back off at Camp Pendelton and me to drive home from Tom's house after we got there. The 1 1/2 hour drive has begun... And lasted... and lasted... and lasted... They blocked off the 4 left lanes of the 5 at La Paz, which slowed traffic to about 25 mph. But then it picked back up after the lanes opened back up. *Phew* Back on the road... Until... They closed the entire freeway one mile before the PCH exit in Dana Point! They were diverting all traffic onto PCH.

I finally got home at 4am, after a 3 hour ride. It was nice. Jesse got some good Z's in the back seat, sawing some logs. Tom and I listened to Danny Donnelly's new Worship 3 CD about 6 dozen times. It was the perfect stuck-in-traffic-at-3am CD. And I remembered a wonderful thing before taking off from Tom's house to mine-- I have sick time! I never call in sick. So, I made good use of it. 3 hours of sleep is no bueno so I called in sick and slept until 12:30. Yes! A day of rest. Put that sick day to some good use.
(If you're a guy, you might want to skip this part, lest you be bored to death...)

It is good. OH! And yesterday... Okay, this might sound really pathetic to some people, but it was a major drama for me. I can't stand what clothes they have at the mall where I work. It's all retro '70s and '80s stuff. Bag dresses and things that look like your cat sewed them together, polka dots and other non-endearing patterns. I have been on a seemingly impossible quest to find some light shirts for summer-- to wear over a tank top or really short sleeved shirt when it's a little too cool. Plus I just like to be a little more covered.
I had this shirt that was a thin material, but I put my elbow through it after 2 years, and it was ripping in other places. The women at church were threatening to take it from me and throw it away. I also had a red hoodie that I wore when it was cooler that was completely falling apart after 2-3 years of constant usage. They had similar threats about this article of clothing. But I couldn't find anything to replace them, and it was them or winter sweaters and sweating to death.
So yesterday after looking at 3-4 stores in the mall, I was entirely frustrated (it's AUGUST now I've been looking all summer!) and in the car on the way home prayed LORD please help me! And then I got an idea to go to Kohl's, and so I did, and the second I walked in, to my left, were hoodie sweaters like the one that was beyond repair that I had, and so I tried it on and perfect! I had been 100% unable to find anything remotely similar to that in months. And I briskly walked through the rest of the section keeping an eye out for anything of interest. I found a rack of button up shirts that looked interesting. I put the one in front on (didn't even check the size, still not sure what size it is, but it fits) and checked in a mirror to see how it looked. Perfect!
So now I have two hooded sweaters (so I don't have to go through this again for a while) and a new button up shirt to wear over my tank tops and short sleeved shirts! Yay! I wore a t-shirt with a scarf at church Sunday, looking very ridiculous for August (though no one said anything, how loving of them!) because it was too warm for my jacket and too cold for nothing. So now all that drama is over. Praise God. And I got a coffee table for free the other day too from the side of the road by my house-- I'd been using a carboard box with an old table top! Yay! A real table! He's so good to me. May I never forget it!
Well, enough enough. Peace out till next time!
1 comment:
Wow, it has been busy. You are just heaped with blessings right now. Glad to hear it.
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