Philippians 2:21:
"For all seek their own, not the things which are of Christ Jesus."
This seems to be a plague in the curch today. The society in which we live constantly bombards us with the "it's all about me" attitude, even being so bold as to print T-shirts and bumper stickers with the blasphemous catch-phrase.
And how convicting is this verse even to those of us who seek not to live for ourselves!
Have we ever...
-Sought our own comfort over another's?
-Slept instead of praying?
-Skipped church to sleep or watch tv?
-Played games instead of spending time in the word?
Obviously, not all these things are wrong, but it's an attitude of apathy to the things of Christ that we need to guard ourselves against, the "it's all about me" mentality.
You see, we will not be on this earth for long. Our lives are but a vapor-- and thus we should live our lives with focus, drive, and purpose.
When we find ourselves in situations we know are temporary and will soon end, we tend to have a more relaxed and care-free attitude about things we don't particularly like or enjoy.
If a piece of clothing is uncomfortable, but you know you only have to wear it for a couple hours, you are more willing to bear with it than if you had to wear it all day or for multiple days.
If we realize this world is like the lobby to a great event whose doors are about to open, we will be more willing to:
-Talk to the strangers around us and encourage them about the upcoming event
-Be made fools (we won't likely see them again once the doors open)
-Be cramped and stuffy while waiting
Since this world is not our home, because Jesus could come for us any minute, we ought to live with a light-hearted and joyous attitude! Stop being so picky! Stop focusing on your own comfort and convenience! Stop thinking about material things!
Do... Focus on the needs of others, realize people are going to hell apart from Christ, DENY YOURSELF and take up your cross!
God blesses us here, surely, but we are to "seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto us! We focus on God, God provides, blesses, and guides.
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