Today has been a great day, and possibly may mark a turn in events in a situation that I've been dealing with for a long time.
I have been lonley and crying out to the Lord for a friend, someone who cares-- I've prayed, written a song, and cried... And today I was blessed with an answer to my prayer as a woman at my new church invited me to lunch with her family. She is a musician too, and plays guitar and sings lead vocals. She's a rad lady, and her family is awesome as well. Her husband is an elder at the church, and is a wise man.
It was totally an answer to prayer, very specifically actually-- I was talking with my Christian neighbor yesterday as she came over for dinner, and she asked me if I needed prayer for anything. I said, "a social life!" I told her that my favorite time, and actually the only time I've really ever had a group of friends to hang out with, was when I would meet up with my friends a half-hour before church and chit chat while playing hackey sac, occasionally go out to lunch after Sunday morning service, and go out Friday nights witnessing in Huntington Beach and elsewhere. And today I got to go out to lunch after church! Yay!
So the Lord has blessed me greatly. I am glad. Thank You Lord! :)
I am looking forward to the next chapter in this life.