Well, it's been almost a year and a half since my move to San Diego, CA. It's quite lovely down here-- the weather's very nice, I live not more than a mile and a half from the beach, and I have a grand view from my living room window.
The spiritual condition of this place though is something less than to be desired-- it is a place in need of an outpouring of God's Spirit, and a great work of revival. That is the reason I felt He was calling me here to begin with: Revival.
There have been good times and bad, and my story is really one of adventure and, even more, God's never-ceasing ability to pull me through any situation I may be in, whether it be His will or due to my own folly. I don't deem it too necessary to go back in time and tell my life story, though it may be interesting, but at some point I may allude to it!
As for what the Lord is doing right now, I can share with You that He is stirring things up and I feel a great sense of hope-- One that I have longed for and feel I have lacked for some time now. He has renewed my hope in hearing from Him, in trusting that He is speaking to me through His word and through the body of Christ.
For so long I have thought myself to be crazy, subject to conjouring up wild ideas in my own mind and calling them the voice of God-- though I sought and still seek with all my heart to not do any such thing! So, as you can figure, this can lead a person into a place of doubting that they are hearing from the Lord. But as recent as yesterday I saw the glimmer, the ray of hope burst through my clouded and confused mind, and I think I may have heard the Lord speak: And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly.
You see, there have been many trials down here (and included along side me is my band-mate, as we both individually felt God calling us as a band/ministry to move to San Diego to do His work here). We have encountered legalism in the church which barred us from doing ministry, a heretical man whose words of deceit dripped like oil and who accused and blasphemed-- again, barring us from being able to minister-- and have also just had personal trials of our own of need and want and loneliness and doubt. It's been a wild ride at times! There have been many things that we feel, both individually and corporately as a band, that the Lord has spoken to us, and so much, oh so much, Satanic opposition. But I am eternally thankful to God who is always faithful to bring encouragement and hope in the midst of all such trials and opposition. He has never failed to speak hope into any seemingly bleak situation.
So I am excited to see His work in these circumstances, to see one or any or all of the difficulties, prophetic words, and hopes that I have come to fruition. May this entry be but the beginning of His marvelous work-- and I trust it will, for His plans are good...
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