So I've actually gotten to stay at home for the whole month of November! I think it is a record! In this month I did have to commute to downtown San Diego to audit the stores down there, but still got to sleep in my own bed at night. Ahhh, nice.
It is hard to believe that Christmas time is already upon us. At least that's what all the retailers and radio stations would have us to believe! It's not even Thanksgiving yet and we're already hearing Christmas music on the radio.
I think it's necessary that we experience Thanksgiving before Christmas - from a purely secular/material perspective (yet for spiritual motives), it is vital that we have a season where we realize all that God has given us and pause to give THANKS for it before Christmas - The holiday where we GET, GET, GET.
Like I said, this is a material perspective, for Christmas isn't really at all about getting material things... It's a day to celebrate the Savior come in human flesh. But even that is "getting" - For we did not earn His coming to save us... Rather, we earned His wrath and judgment. But He freely and unprovoked GAVE to us, that all who would receive Him would be saved...
Just some thoughts for the evening! Merry... Thanksgiving!