
What I can eat: green vegetables (except those listed above), avocados, cauliflower, garlic, onions, brown rice (incl. brown rice noodles, brown rice cakes), wild rice, other unpleasant sounding grains (i.e. buckwheat groats, millet), chicken, fish or turkey (the only meats allowed), nuts/nut butters (minus peanuts), eggs, yogurt, sea salt, olive/coconut/safflower/sunflower oils, real butter, herbal teas, lemon. I was okayed to eat unsweetened dried coconut too.
At home I've made pesto pasta with brown rice noodles and turkey, stir-fry with tons of celery, onions, garlic, green beans and broccoli with some lemon and a ton of seasonings (tasted like sweet pickles when I was done hmmm...); also I've made a make-shift curry, using yogurt and dried coconut rather than coconut milk. I mix brown rice into all these stir fries. Also a quick thing I figured out (sort of tastes like fried rice)-- mix a raw egg in cooked rice and then sautee with some olive oil. Throw in whatever veggies. Eat. Or I eat it plain. There's always your traditional chicken or fish with rice and veggie side dish too. For breakfast or a snack I have almond butter on a brown rice cake or on celery.
Now that was challenging enough at home. For a couple days I ate nothing but rice and eggs. But traveling... Ugh. I hate having to look through the menu and find the one item (if that) with the least amount of these forbidden ingredients and then explain why I am asking them to leave out the carrots, salad dressing, bread, etc. etc. I ordered just lunch meat from a deli and they looked at me like I was nuts. I ordered just lemon juice for dressing at a salad bar, and they thought I was weird. The people at my hotel are nice, but if I eat fish one more time I'm going to gag! Also I've been having scrambled eggs each day for breakfast, and there is a mysterious yellow liquid at the bottom of the plate... Probably melted margarine. Who puts margarine in eggs?? That's disgusting.
Even with all my trying, I know I am breaking some rules. I am obviously eating nearly all table salt (except for my rice cakes with sea salt that I brought from home). I am probably eating (gag) margarine on my eggs each morning. And who knows what has pepper or sugar mixed into it on your meats? But I'm going to ignore those things, for if I did not, I would pass out from hunger before week's end!

Okay, aside from these challenges, a few good things: I've probably lost a couple pounds (nice side effect I'd say!), I have a noticably more energy and don't feel groggy and slothful all day every day as I did before. Also my voice, which has been hoarse 14 months, is improving. So it's got to be worth it to do all this, right? So I plod on... You know, I never thought I would dream of brown rice. You know, I didn't think finding brown rice in restaurants would be so hard! I've been eating almost nothing but meat the whole time with the occasional vegetable.
And check this-- I am out here in Toronto, Ontario (Canada), right, and the people have been really friendly. In fact, the bellhop at the hotel keeps hitting on me! My goodness. I've been told I'm beautiful who-knows-how-many-times, told I should treat myself to a massage (and as he walks away, "I can give good massages, but I'm working..." hahahaha). He urged me to eat dinner tonight when I came back from an unsuccessful hunt for food and said I was going to go to bed and forget about it (on the verge of tears, but it wasn't visible)-- I had talked to him while wandering the hotel lobby/stores yesterday evening. It's pretty funny. I hope I don't see too much more of him (though he's been nice), because I don't want to have to make him feel rejected. Most guys who talk like that to girls they don't even know are not on my list of people to marry!
So yeah, it's been an interesting past couple weeks, and an interesting trip to Toronto. Oh, and another good thing, I found 2 different stuffed animal keychains that PERFECTLY fit my criteria! Small, roundish in shape, and... for sale. I've retired my frog (and turkey, and alligator, and penguin) and tried using a Pookie (the teddy bear from Garfield) keychain, but he had too many limbs and was too big and cumbersome. So a Canadian bald eagle (ironic) and a weird Canadian Olympics 2010 mascot it shall be!
And God is good. I'm glad He's here for me as He is always. It sounds like a dumb trial, but I dare you to try eating only what I listed above... And then travel for a week STILL eating only what I listed above (with no means of transportation and working in the airport)... :) I'm not trying to be petty-- it's actually quite difficult! Especially when one of your main hobbies whilst traveling is to eat good food at nice restaurants...
Well, ciao for now people! Sorry this is so long! Just wanted to share.
Love, D