A poem.
Where is the one whom my heart shall make complete--
My brother, my spouse, my vinyard whom shall keep?
The one of whom God said, "It is not good man be alone,
"To whom I am the helper, and the bone of his bones?
Where is this certain one, whose affections I will hold,
Ravishing his heart until we both grow old?
Behold, I am alseep, but my heart it shall awake
By the sound of his voice calling-- the sound of my beloved:
"Open for me, my love, my dove, my perfect one;
Come with me, the lillies bloom-- The day is almost done!"
He loves our God with all his heart, his passion never dwindles;
I shall not awaken love, not stir it up a little!
Oh, many waters could not quench love, its flame a flame of fire;
Nothing can be given for it-- All wealth shall be despised.
One day I shall be to him the fairest of them all,
And we shall seek our King together, and His kingdom above all.
But until this day when our eyes shall meet, I wait here for my love;
The one to whom the Lord has given me as his special dove.
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Thursday, April 23, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
In response to my last post I wanted to write about the direction the Lord has given me! He is so good to hear when we cry out to Him, so good indeed.
So prior to feeling all conflicted and confused, the Lord had put in my heart to pray more-- and thus I set out to do. I had an idea to get a world map and put it up on my wall as a prayer guide, to be able to pray for all parts of the world, and to set aside time to pray regularly.
But then I started feeling like I should do more, be more, etc. as I wrote about previously. But He is so good to reach down into my world, into my consternation, and to lift me up and set me aright again! And He reminded me that he who is faithful with little will be given more, and to remember and do those things which He had previously put in my heart to do.
So I got myself a map, and posted it on my wall. And it's amazing, because looking at each of those countries I can see all the people-- I know how many people are in my little area, and then thinking about my state-- and multiplying that across the whole world... It's just astounding how many people are out there, and how many people don't know Christ.
I am so thankful for His direction and guidance! And I am truly thankful that He came, walked this earth and experienced what it is like to live life on earth, and then died in my place this day almost 2000 years ago. And then that glorious day 3 days later when He rose again from the dead!!! The most glorious, amazing truth ever.

Sunday, April 05, 2009
Where does one begin in sharing the Gospel, in meeting the needs of others? I feel so small, so insignificant-- like I have nothing to offer. There are so many others who have so much more: more money, more time, more talent, more ideas...
Sure, I have talents and gifts. But how do I use them to reach the lost? I am able to play music, able to write music about the Lord. I can teach the Bible. How are those things used for reaching the lost? Are they not for the edification of the church?
I have watched films and conferences, seen speakers and heard sermons. It all points to one thing: the church in America is sleeping. We have become so comfortable in the relative prosperity and freedom of our country that we have forgotten what it's like around the rest of the world... We spend our money on things we like, activities we enjoy-- because we can. Others around the world are simply looking for scraps of food to survive on, wearing tattered clothes and stuck in poverty. Yet we can decide what we eat, what we wear, and where we go. Should we feel guilty for what we have?
I don't think we should feel guitly-- but to whom much is given, surely much is expected. We haven't been given so much so that we can pamper ourselves, but with what we have comes the responsibility to help those in need. So what can we do? We can sponsor a hungry child, sponsor a missionary. But is this really our heartfelt service to God, our calling in the great commission... Or is it just an easy way to appease our consciences and continue living for ourselves?
As all these thoughts pour through my mind, all these questions-- I am left with a deep longing to do more. More for the kingdom of God. More, because I have been given much, and I want to be a faithful steward. But after that desire comes the haunting question: WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? HOW? All I know is why... But I guess that's a start.
Should I be impatient, not willing to wait but pressing on with unwaivering furvor? The end is near, surely. Or should I be relaxed, at rest and patient-- Letting things fall into place, trusting that all the timing is the Lord's...?
All these thoughts, all these questions... Not content to continue life as usual, but not knowing how to do anything else. *Sigh* Now you see why the title of this post is "confliction"!

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