Well, I've pretty much emailed everyone I know and let them see this picture-- but because I haven't posted a blog in a while I thought this would be a fitting entry! W
Here's the story on the hair-- My friend Anna called me and asked if I wanted to come over after work and go shopping with her and let her trim my hair (I'd cut bangs into my hair but not very well and she had an idea to make it better). When I got to her house, she told me she was going to but some dye to highlight her hair (which is brown) and asked if I wanted her to do my hair too-- just a little bit, a few strands here or there. I hemmed and hawed, and after we went shopping I said okay.
So then we got home, and she pulled out the foil and started highlighting. Just about one shade lighter than my natural color, which is a darker/silvery blonde color (but not brown!). Then after doing about 5-6 foils, she said she thought it would look better to "do it all over"... I told her sure, go for it, whatever you think looks good. I also had her cut about 4 inches of length off, much to her surprise. So she was getting really excited here when I basically gave her free reign! So she grabbed a handful of dye from the bowl and slopped it all over my head! Just for the record, I thought she meant highlighting my whole head, not dying my whole head-- but I wasn't upset, I just wasn't expecting a cold glob of dye to hit my head!
So after 15-20 scalp burning minutes, we went and rinsed it out. We kept adding time-- first it was 8 minutes, then 10, then 15... I can't remember if we went to 20. But it was starting to look orange so we ran to the bathroom and she rinsed it out and washed it.
So there you have it. The story of my hair change and the motives behind it. Hope you enjoyed it! Tah tah for now, --D