WWWIt was such a blessing too. Rather than feeling like a leader, like I was responsible for making something happen, I felt... It's kind of hard to describe, but I felt just so honored to be able to have the opportunity that I did. Our worship team is truly a team. I hardly felt I was leading anybody. I just picked the songs and played guitar and sang like I always do.
WWWAnd another thing I was concerned about-- I was afraid (and praying against it) that I would be tempted to think I'm "all that" and "so good" and just well up with pride-- "Oh look, you're so good you got to lead worship; it's about time someone noticed how great you are," etc. etc. You know Satan's lies that he whispers in our ear. But again, God answered my prayers and the complete opposite happened! I felt so humbled, so honored to be able to play with our team, and I truly, honestly feel that they are the reason that it sounded so great. I love listening to the recording! They sound awesome. If they weren't there, it'd just be me-- and who wants to hear that? Yuk! Hahaha. But really, they are awesome. I am so thankful to God for answering my prayers and for all the prayers of my friends.