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Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
God is Good :)

No, but really. He is good. I was looking over my past blogs, and I realized that He's answered so many prayers. I had been working in Escondido, and really desired to work in Carlsbad, because the hours, distance, and location in regards to my social activities were better-- and look, I have been working at Carlsbad for 3 months now!

I've also been blessed to be able to get a good digital camera! I am getting it Tuesday. I have always loved taking pictures, but never really had the money to pursue photography. I used to take lots of pictures with my film camera, but I had an issue with getting the rolls of film developed. I like to take lots of shots, hoping that I will capture a couple things that are stunning and amazing-- but on a roll of what, 24 pictures, 2-5 good pictures is just not worth $10 to develop. And so after acruing a pile of about 13 rolls of undeveloped film that sat and aged for a few good years, I decided I wasn't going to do that anymore, and was going to wait until I could afford a digital camera. Now I can take ALL the pics I want, with NO remorse over film! And that one amazing shot-- I can take it to Kinko's (oh, pardon-- "FedEx-Kinko's") and have it printed (or wherever, but not on my inkjet).
So I just wanted to take a moment to stop, and acknowledge all His blessings. I have food-- more than enough, I have a wonderful home to live in, great people in my life, a wonderful, God-glorifying church; I have no reason to complain. "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits!"
And another great thing-- I have lost like 5 lbs. without even really trying; I haven't weighed this little since I was in high school! Yay! Only 10 more lbs to go... :) That might take some exercise...

Saturday, January 12, 2008
On the Horizon

Also, in February, we may have a chance to play worship for a weekend retreat in NorCal. We were invited already, but details are lacking aside from that. We will also get to guest-lead worship at a couple churches in February, in addition to our frequently playing at E-Street Cafe on Sunday nights. Having so many opportunities to use the gifts God has given to each of us is truly a blessing-- Every good gift, and every perfect gift comes from above!
Speaking of E-Street, last week and the week before were the first couple times I've ever performed my own set-- Tom and Patrick played some djimbe with me (pronounced "jim bay", it's a bongo-like drum, for those who aren't familiar with it), and Tom sang some harmony vocals as well-- but I played the guitar! Scary. Gives me a reason to practice my guitar skills! I was told by one gentleman that it sounded great, and not to apologize-- I kept telling the audience how I couldn't play guitar all too well and to please forgive any mistakes I might make. It was funny, because the person after me kept doing the same thing, so I joked, "Next up, a person with confidence!" It's good to be able to poke fun at your shortcomings, I think (but also to move past them and grow!).
There is a unique challenge I believe Christian musicians face that non-Christian musicians don't face-- Keeping the focus on Jesus! Sometimes it's so easy to get caught up in the sound, in the notes, the chords, beats, etc. It is important, Christian or not, to make good-sounding music! But amidst all that to remember that we are playing to glorify Christ and worship Him, and that it ultimately doesn't matter if anyone likes it or not. But I have faith that He gives each of us our gifts to use for ministry here on earth, so they're going to minister to someone. But keeping this thought in mind helps keep my eyes off myself and what people think of me, and from worrying about pleasing man. God help me to practice this more...!
Saturday, January 05, 2008
A New Year, A New Color!

It's a new year, and it's time to venture out into the unkown and pick a new design for my blog. Don't be surprised though if next time you check in it's back to the old design!
So, it's 2008. I can hardly believe it's 2008! I can't believe I'm going to be 28 this year! Wow! I don't feel that old. I remember watching the Jetsons cartoon when I was younger, and seeing the flying cars and pills for food, etc. And in Looney Toons, there was a futuristic episode where Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny were old and decrepid, yet still trying to hurt each other-- it was "the yeeeaaar 2000..." (said in a long, drawn-out, futuristic spooky voice). They were wearing space suits and Elmer Fudd had a space age laser gun, etc. Quite funny to think 2000 was 8 years ago and there's no such thing!Along with the idea of new and improved things for the new year comes the ever daunting task of making new year's resolutions... Unless you're like me, and just ignore the concept all together!
Back before I was a Christian, my new year's resolutions included many self-improvement type tasks: be nicer, be more loving, listen more, etc. etc. But since I've accepted Jesus, I've learned that (1) it is His Spirit that changes us, and that we can't change ourselves-- though we must respond to His working in our lives, and (2) His mercies are new every morning-- why should I wait until New Year's Day to decide to obey the Spirit? Obey the Word?
It is important to live each day of our lives as we want to live life, not letting ourselves slide throughout the year. "This year I will lose weight and eat healthy." Why not eat healthy before New Year's? Why not monitor your weight throughout the year?
True, there is a feeling of a fresh start with the dawning of a new year. I don't deny that. But I think the more we realize that His mercies are new every morning, and realize that each day is a new beginning-- each moment even-- the less significant the new year becomes. Mankind will never heal their own wounds, solve their own issues, let's face it. The only hope is Jesus! And 2008 brings us closer than ever to His soon coming!
In the words of the apostle John, "Even so, come Lord Jesus. Amen."
Happy New Year!