My "natural" inclination and character is to plan, organize, get stuff done a bit at a time so as to not have a huge workload at any given moment, do things ahead of time, make efficient, etc. I say "natural" because I am pretty convinced in my own mind that though these characteristics are ingrained deep within me and seem like they may have been there forever as a part of my natural character, that indeed they are the workings of God and are result of some spiritual gifting.
If you would have known me as a child or even a teen, I was a huge slob, a major procrastinator, a pack-rat, and a bit on the lazy side. It might be maturity that has changed me, or having to move lots... I know living in my car made me quite a bit more organized (it's a bit of a necessity with such limited space!). The Lord has blessed me with the gift of administration, though, so I do believe a lot of it is spiritual. Either way, this moving situation has not at all fit into anything resembling preplanned and organized! At least not by me... (God's got it all planned!)

I hadn't packed a single thing until a couple days ago-- all the pictures still hung on the wall, all the dishes in the cabinets, the books on the shelves. I did call the phone company and make an appointment to move my piano, but that's about it. I've tried, but there is nothing I can do.
There is another couple at my church who was buying a home, and the escrow fell through and they ended up needing a place to stay-- and since I wouldn't be moving for another month, they've been staying in my (soon to be) new place. So I haven't been able to move anything ahead of time because of that. And, their new escrow is going through this Thursday, and I am moving Wednesday! So there will be some overlapping here. All my furniture, and myself, needs to be moved out by the end of the 31st-- and they can't even start moving till the 1st.
Another part of the trial, that by God's grace I am handling very well-- it's hardly affecting me-- is that I took Tuesday and Wednesday off to move (as those are the last 2 days of the month), and since I am not able to move my stuff until the last minute, that leaves a weekday for finding help to move (and I have 2 flights of stairs to go down and 1 to go up)! But I had God's peace that it was all going to work out, and not to worry. And sure enough, it turns out that my soon-to-be new landlord has a big truck and is available Wednesday afternoon-- all we need now is some manpower (I am not very useful in moving heavy things down 2 flights of stairs, it throws my back out).

Also, until today I had no idea how I was going to pay for the piano move! I just knew it had to move, so I trusted the Lord to take care of it. But it looks like I'll be borrowing the money. So I'm glad that the Lord has at least provided someone to borrow the money from! The piano can't stay here!
On top of those things, I'm not even sure where I will be sleeping or living (in referrence to eating, making my lunch, etc.) until the family moves into their new home. But strangely, though all of this should make me freek out to some extent, and would normally get me stressed due to my inability to plan and organize, the Lord has done a tremendous thing in keeping me relaxed and care-free, trusting that He's got it all under control...
The only thought now is, if I am passing the trial so easily, it could be only a matter of time until a harder one comes 'round the corner... (suspenseful music...) :)